Newsletters & Emails

Newsletters & Emails
Targeted email campaigns help you maintain a relationship with your customers, build your prospect base, solicit donors and keep your clients informed and engaged. In the era of email filters, it is important to know the best way to prepare and send messages so they will reach your audience rather than end up in the spam folder.
Wild Iris Marketing understands how, when and why people open emails, which helps ensure that your message is read and not simply marked as trash. Our extensive experience with targeted social media advertising and email campaigns can help you breathe fresh life into the relationship with your organization’s patrons. We study campaign trends and know how and when to best reach your customers.
- Email and eBlast design and distribution: You know what you want to say, and we know how to say it. Wild Iris Marketing can use any assets you have or create new messages based on your direction and goals. We have access to a professional photography library and also have professional photographers on staff who can capture the perfect image to compliment your message if one isn’t already available.
- Campaign Analytics: Wild Iris Marketing uses analysis tools to see how successful your previous campaigns have been. Analyzing this data, we can frequently give a significant boost to future campaign success.
- Long Term Campaign Design: Successful businesses communicate with their audiences on a regular basis as well as on special occasions. Wild Iris Marketing can create a plan that will ensure your clients receive clear and consistent messages from you in a way that isn’t predictable or “spammy.”
- Customization: We understand every client is unique, and that your needs for email campaigns can vary significantly not only from others in your industry, but from campaign to campaign. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about how Wild Iris Marketing can work to make your goals and expectations a reality.
We offer package pricing as well as single project pricing. Let’s discuss your needs and we will be happy to give you a quote.