Business Growth Planning for 2020

2020 business goals

Happy 2020!

I am not big on New Years Resolutions for myself but I do like to set goals for my business for each year. This morning at the Conifer Chamber of Commerce meeting, President Jodi Dolph gave a presentation about growing your business. She talked about how you have to really think and plan to grow your business and not just hope and expect it to happen. That got me thinking about what we have done to plan for our own growth as well as helping our clients grow.

What have we done in the past to grow our business? What has worked well? What has not worked as well as we hoped? What can we do differently or new this year? The goal for this month is to really put thought-out answers to these questions on paper to refer back to as we go through this year.

And then I started thinking about how we have helped our clients grow their businesses. Every customer we have comes to us with the desire to grow their business by expanding their digital marketing reach. They each have their own goals, needs, budget and expectations. We talk to them and get to know who they are, what their business does and how they want help. Then we formulate a plan (with a variety of options) and help them move forward. Some clients need ongoing help and others we get going on the right path and let them run on their own.

Digital marketing is very individualized. Two restaurants will not want or need the same messaging or services. Multiple non-profit organizations that offer similar services will have different goals or audiences so they need to have specific goals. Because each and every business is unique, their needs are too. That is why we do not offer pre-set packages. We create a marketing plan that is customized for each client. We pride ourselves on not using canned materials or content because we respect that your business is unique and your message should be also.

We have literally seen businesses who were on the brink of closing their doors make a small investment (and yes, it is an investment just like a new computer, inventory or training) in digital marketing for their business and it has kept the lights on and started bringing in revenue. Other businesses that are successful but want to really grow have reached and even exceeded their goals.

Christine G, the general manager of a successful restaurant recently wrote, “I am so incredibly grateful to Mindy and her team at AlphaPixel Reach. As a small business it is a struggle to manage social media and a business at the same time. We have seen our client base increase beyond measure. It is comforting to know that I have one less thing to think about with a reliable social media partner. The dollar value of not thinking about marketing and reaching out to our clients cannot be expressed. I would never be able to get it all done without them and keep to a budget. There are no more worries in their capable and experienced hands.”

We are not hard-sell people. We are happy to offer suggestions, advice and tips to you at any time, which you can take and use to improve your digital marketing reach. We teach classes through the local chambers and offer free consultations to anyone who wants to sit down have us look at your digital presence. We know that some businesses can and will need our help and others want to do their marketing themselves and we are happy to help out where we can. Our business strategy is to make our clients so successful that they spend all their time doing what they do best, working in their business. When that happens, many organizations hire us to work on their business’ digital marketing. We are successful when you are successful.

Contact us today and let’s find a time we can meet and talk about your digital marketing (and business) goals and see if we can give you some suggestions to deliberately and thoughtfully plan your business’ success in 2020 and beyond!

Business Growth Planning for 2020
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